
Neuroanatomy through clinical cases coursenotes
Neuroanatomy through clinical cases coursenotes

neuroanatomy through clinical cases coursenotes

The big exception is anatomy, which requires major lab time for the practicals.

neuroanatomy through clinical cases coursenotes

read regularly, don't do allnighters and read lectures for the first time at 5 in the morning, three hours before the test, etc.), I think this method could have given honors in almost all the courses. I got honors in a few courses and I'm sure that had my study methods been a bit better (i.e. PBL usually fit within that, but if it was outside of that, I would briefly look at what that focused on. I just made sure I memorized (or at least I tried to do this, usually I pulled an all nighter the night before and stuffed details into my head until the last minute) all of the syllabus and all of the slides. For this reason, I downloaded these slides separately off the course website and printed them out at 6-slides-to-a-page handouts.įor the tests, I frequently did not attend lectures. Blumenthal H (2002) Neuroanatomy through Clinical Cases. Sometimes, powerpoint slides do not entirely correspond with the distributed notes. The course notes on WebCT-OWL do not replace a neuroanatomy textbook. If you have a lab/PBL/workshop component, of course what's in those materials is also fair game. They reflect the distributed lecture notes and anything that might be in slides. Although textbooks present the information in the most comprehensive and logical fashion, and frankly some of the lecture notes we had were downright scarily bad, the tests do NOT reflect BRS, recall, or textbooks. My advice is to ignore BRS review books, recall, flashcards, and textbooks.

neuroanatomy through clinical cases coursenotes

Those who struggle with the big picture may ultimately fail. The big picture is something that 80% of the people get and they will be getting the mean. Yes, unfortunately, memorizing every detail is practically required to have a fighting chance for honors in courses.

Neuroanatomy through clinical cases coursenotes